LOMAS DE ZAMORA: Gorriti 595 piso 1° Of. B / Tel.: 4360-0793 I +54 9 11-6571-4239





Si sufriste un ACCIDENTE LABORAL, tenes estos derechos:

Primero y principal, derecho a que se te asista en un centro médico habilitado, para lo cual debes comunicarte con tu empleador URGENTE.
Recibir de la ART en forma inmediata, la asistencia médica, farmacológica, prótesis, ortopedia y rehabilitación, hasta la curación completa o mientras duren los síntomas.
Tenés derecho a ser trasladado a los centros asistenciales mientras dure el tratamiento, por lo general contratan agencias de remis, siempre que el médico tratante así lo indique por escrito en la historia clínica.
Recibir de su ART el pago del salario, mientras continue la imposibilidad de trabajar (prestaciones dinerarias por Incapacidad Laboral Temporaria (ILT)- por el tiempo que corresponda hasta que se otorgue el alta médica o por un período máximo de seis meses o un año dependiendo de las características particulares de la existencia de cargas familiares y antiguedad en el empleo.
Se podrá establecer un nuevo período de transitoriedad, es decir percibir el salario durante la imposibilidad de asistir al empleo, hasta un plazo máximo de 12 meses; ello en aquellos casos en que no se pueda determinar con certeza la incapacidad resultante de las lesiones ocurridas por el accidente.
Determinada la INCAPACIDAD resultante del accidente, deberá la ART abonar al trabajador una indemnización.
OJO, suelen abonar muy por debajo de lo que realmente corresponde. CONSULTANOS AUN SI YA COBRASTE.
Recibir de tu ART la recalificación necesaria para otra tarea en caso de no poder continuar con la que realizabas.
Si tu empleador no tiene ART, debe responder directamente, otorgándote las prestaciones médicas y dinerarias correspondientes como también pagar la indemnización por las incapacidades.
OJO. Si te encontrás trabajando EN NEGRO y el tiene contratada una ART, debe responder por el accidente la ART.

Pregnancy and Employment.


Guide práctica para estar debidamente protegida.
It is known that many employers prefer to hire men instead of women to avoid problems with pregnancy and motherhood.
There are employers who hire women, but when they are pregnant they see this situation with unpleasantness.
Some of them fired pregnant working women.
Pregnant woman, works on white or black, It has a Special indemnity protection in case of dismissal.
This does not mean that it can not be dismissed, but, if so, the employer must pay compensation 12 salaries, which adds compensation for dismissal.
Such protection starts from the 7 and a half months before delivery and extends to 7 and a half months after birth.
However, such protection is not automatic, but the worker must fulfill the duty under the law of contract work, notify your employer of her pregnancy, by labor and make available the same telegram the medical certificate evidencing the pregnancy and the due date.
It is very common for pregnant workers discuss among their co-workers and social networks their situation in previous form to comply with the aforementioned and make available to the employer a medical certificate notification. That's a high risk, as some unscrupulous employers, taking informal knowledge of pregnancy, proceed to dismiss the employee before it fulfills its obligation of law, placing it in a situation of legal defenselessness.
While these situations, by an appropriate test in a labor trial, They can be resolved favorably for the expectant mother, it is desirable not to have to reach the court in these conditions.
In consequence, it is advisable to avoid giving publicity pregnancy at work and in social networks (often supervised by employers) until the curse pregnancy 6/7 weeks involving having a half months pregnant (that is when the guardianship begins), the medical certificate is obtained with the above information and the phenomenon is reliably notify the employer.
If you act in such a way it will prevent so important in the life of the working event becomes a frustrating situation.

Dr. Jorge Pastorini explains the national law of SITRAIC


Mobbing is referred to as mobbing.
He is a victim of mobbing, the worker who suffers harassment or harassment by the employer or its representatives (Hierarchical the worker concerned) or colleagues.
Behaviors able to be considered mobbing should be expressed through related behaviors and repeated over time, apt to create worker or worker in a situation such disturbance that decreases or psychologically affect him.
In recent ruling,to labor justice held Capital Federal: “To that mobbing is set to be a situation created by a person or group of persons, who exercise extreme psychological violence, systematically, for a long time and on a particular person” and they added “Although not a case of "mobbing" is set, violence in the workplace can manifest itself in many ways, for example, through discriminatory treatment, physical assaults, harassment of a sexual nature, organizational abuse, and they all generate the responsibility of the employer, informed or alerted of the situation, no arbitrates the many and varied means at its disposal to reverse it to avoid damage to the psychophysical and moral integrity of their dependents. room VI, Expte. No. 36.894/2012 Sent. Def. No. 67874 of the 27/10/2015 “C.G.H. c/ Contax S.A. branch of a foreign company and other s / dismissal ". (Raffaghelli-Craig).
Do you feel that you're the victim of mobbing?
Do not hesitate to contact us. You can make it through this medium, making an online consultation from our website http://estudiolaboral.net/consulta-online/, telephone shape the 4245-5006 or in person at our Firm, located in the center of Lomas de Zamora on the street Laprida 418 Floor 2 Office 5 Monday through Friday 15 a 18 hours,
Remember that the consultation is absolutely FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL!

Do you work part-time? It can not be so

You work part-time and get paid less than those who work 8 hours? According to the case, You can collect the full salary corresponderte.
If this is your case, you have to know that you can claim the wage gap until two years ago. Do not hesitate to contact us. You can make it through this medium, making an online consultation from our website http://estudiolaboral.net/consulta-online/, telephone shape the 4245-5006 or in person at our Firm, located in the center of Lomas de Zamora on the street Laprida 418 Floor 2 Office 5 Monday through Friday 15 a 18 hours,
Remember that the consultation is absolutely FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL!
If you work part-time and your employer will pay a lower remuneration to which those working charge 8 O 9 Daily hours, you have to know that this can only be done if you work less than the 2/3 parts of daily and weekly hours of activity in which you work. For example, If you work in trade, will you apply the collective labor agreement nro. 130/75 which establishes a working day 48 weekly hours, so that if trabajás 6 daily hours or more or 32 weekly hours or more, but not reach the 9 daily or 48 weekly, you shall receive full pay, as it is a part-time but not a contract of part-time work. Each activity has a particular workweek, generally between 42 Y 48 weekly hours, so in each case must be checked what the agreement and make the necessary calculations. This is very common in trading activity and especially in large supermarkets, they have hired staff 36 weekly hours, to those who paid low wages, when in fact it corresponds paying full time.


New achievement of class unionism that relied on the legal advice of the Study Pastorini, Marangello y Asociados.
Acting as attorney counsel of SITRAIC, el Dr. Jorge Pastorini began the day 6 February 2015 an injunction late payment, against the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of the Nation, by cars “WORKERS UNION INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED C / MINISTRY OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY OF THE NATION S / Amparo Mora”, No expte 2769/15, filed with the National Court of First Instance of nro. 80 Capital Federal.
After the appropriate processing and sentencing, the Ministry of Labour appealed the same before the National Labor Court of Appeals, It is filed with the Constitutional Court.
The day 28 December 2015, that Chamber, with the vote of Drs. Hector Guisado and Silvia Varela Pinto, They confirmed the judgment of first instance.
By last, meeting intimated to comply under penalty of a daily fine for the SITRAIC, Labour Minister, Employment and Social Security of the Nation, Lic. Jorge triac, signed the 23 March 2016 the resolution by which the status of approved SITRAIC, recognizing this national jurisdiction to represent all workers in the construction industry and approving the delegations of San Lorenzo, Rafael, Rosario and Santa Fe, of the Province. Santa Fe, Comodoro Rivadavia, pcia. Chubut, Puerto Deseado, Caleta Olivia, Puerto San Julian and Cañadón Seco of the Province. Santa Cruz, Carmen de Patagones in the Province. Buenos Aires and Tucuman, pcia. Tucuman.
Thus, the SITRAIC achieved recognition to represent construction workers nationwide.
Workers who comprise it and the Commission Directive, our congratulations and thanks have trusted our professional quality to obtain this precious achievement.

DELEGATE reinstalled

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As part of the processing of the complaint carried out by a worker Construction Industry, which elected as delegate belonging to the Union of Workers of the Construction Industry and Allied – SITRAIC-, be fired, Pastorini study Marangello & Associates earned his immediate reinstatement to their jobs, unconditionally by the employer. That is, in the Car “RUIZ, Andres C / Hurtado, Fabrizio Sergio S / Union Amparo”, that transacted before the Labour Court No. 3 Lanus, the employer sued, he recognized Mr.. Ruiz, As a delegate elected member of the Union of Workers of the Construction Industry and Allied- SITRAIC, why the dismissal took place is discriminatory and, to put an end to the measure, the employer acquiesced to the claim filed by the worker. Thus Mr. Delegate was compensated with the payment of wages and increase more for moral damages completed. We reiterate enthusiastically, that Mr. Ruiz was reinstated to his job, I thus being guaranteed the right of trade unions reached as elected delegate belonging to the Union of Workers of the Construction Industry and Allied- SITRAIC. Thus far obtained represents a firm step on the path and the conviction, to fight and pursue the abolition of discriminatory acts that occur in the workplace. We would indicate that not yield to anti-union discrimination, means hold harmless the dignity of workers.


the bonus payment date was modified
Through Law 27.073, It was amended on art. 122 of the Law of Labor Contract, which it provides that payment of the second installment of the bonus (legally called supplementary annual salary and abbreviated SAC), It must be made on 18 December each year. El S.A.C. It is calculated on the 50% (half) the best monthly salary of each semester. The first half expires at the end of June and the second half at the end of December each year. In consequence, later than 18 December 2015, employers must pay workers the second installment of the bonus by an amount equivalent to half the highest monthly remuneration of the assets received from July to December 2015. Whenever December the assets upon payment of SAC. not going to be liquidated (not become indispensable yet), the employer must estimate and pay compensation December, el S.A.C. considering the same. If at the time of perceiving the December salary, in the case of mensualizados, until the day 7 January 2016 (as the fourth business day), it to be verified that the 50% the same is higher than estimated by the employer, you must make an adjustment to be paid together with the December salary 2015. In the case of workers who receive their salaries fortnightly, as payment of the second half of December 2015 due within the first 3 (three) January business days 2016 (ie 6 January 2016) and whether it prevents both fortnights December may be the best of the semester, the employer must estimate and pay compensation December, el S.A.C. considering the same. Once paid both fortnights, if payment of S.A.C. It was lower than corresponding, with the second half of December, you must reset the amount paid for bonus.


The days 1, 2 Y 3 October 2015, all the members of the Study Pastorini – Marangello & Associates participated in the XLIas. Labor Law Conference organized in the city of Mar del Plata by the Association of Labour Lawyers.
In the same round tables they were developed, plenaries and workshops in which various current issues of labor law addressed, between them, the current situation of labor courts of the Federal Capital, the risks of work in light of new Civil and Commercial Code, strategies workers against outsourcing, public employment and labor fraud, outsourcing and subcontracting in the light of new Civil and Commercial Code and the right to strike.

The sums are not remunerative unconstitutional

Las sumas no remunerativas con inconstitucionales.
Mediante sentencia dictada por la Sala V de la Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones del Trabajo en los autos caratulados Lanzotti Marcelo Domingo c/ Banco Itaú Argentina S.A. s/ despido, la justicia laboral volvió, una vez mas, a declarar la inconstitucionalidad de las sumas no remunerativas.
Sostuvieron los jueces en su fallo, que:
“Las disposiciones de las Actas Acuerdo que privaron de naturaleza remunerativa a las prestaciones de pago mensual sucesivo vulneraron las cláusulas constitucionales que imponen la protección legal del trabajo, en virtud de la cual se debe asegurar al trabajador una retribución justa, y condiciones dignas y equitativas de labor”.
So that limited the bargaining power of unions, al sostener:
“La presunción de legalidad que emana de una norma convalidada por un acto administrativo, como es la homologación de un convenio colectivo de trabajo o de un Acta Acuerdo en el ámbito de la negociación colectiva, debe ceder si se advierte en el caso particular la contradicción de aquél con la norma de máxima jerarquía como es la Constitución Nacional, al oponerse a sus expresas disposiciones, como así también, to the rules set forth by international treaties which are of that range. According to the hierarchy of sources of labor law, que impide que la norma de rango inferior (el convenio colectivo) transgreda derechos y garantías establecidos en las de rango superior, no podía desconocerse la puntual pretensión de los coactores que se centra en efectuar el debido control constitucional sobre las Actas Acuerdo correspondientes al objeto período de reclamo, en torno al carácter no remuneratorio que se atribuyó en ellas a las prestaciones dinerarias de pago mensual allí establecidas”