New achievement of class unionism that relied on the legal advice of the Study Pastorini, Marangello y Asociados.
Acting as attorney counsel of SITRAIC, el Dr. Jorge Pastorini began the day 6 February 2015 an injunction late payment, against the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of the Nation, by cars “WORKERS UNION INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED C / MINISTRY OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY OF THE NATION S / Amparo Mora”, No expte 2769/15, filed with the National Court of First Instance of nro. 80 Capital Federal.
After the appropriate processing and sentencing, the Ministry of Labour appealed the same before the National Labor Court of Appeals, It is filed with the Constitutional Court.
The day 28 December 2015, that Chamber, with the vote of Drs. Hector Guisado and Silvia Varela Pinto, They confirmed the judgment of first instance.
By last, meeting intimated to comply under penalty of a daily fine for the SITRAIC, Labour Minister, Employment and Social Security of the Nation, Lic. Jorge triac, signed the 23 March 2016 the resolution by which the status of approved SITRAIC, recognizing this national jurisdiction to represent all workers in the construction industry and approving the delegations of San Lorenzo, Rafael, Rosario and Santa Fe, of the Province. Santa Fe, Comodoro Rivadavia, pcia. Chubut, Puerto Deseado, Caleta Olivia, Puerto San Julian and Cañadón Seco of the Province. Santa Cruz, Carmen de Patagones in the Province. Buenos Aires and Tucuman, pcia. Tucuman.
Thus, the SITRAIC achieved recognition to represent construction workers nationwide.
Workers who comprise it and the Commission Directive, our congratulations and thanks have trusted our professional quality to obtain this precious achievement.
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