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Monthly Archives: July 2016



nota jap

It is very common in these times that we are all users of one or several social networks.
It is also common information of any person is sought in the nets, we all do and so do those who select and hire workers.
Many employers investigate and spy on their future and current employees by that means.
Your footprints in networks, undoubtedly define your behavior, pleasures, political positioning, social, union, your sexual identity, your religious affiliation, your household, of friends, musical tastes, etc, etc, etc.
All this is private, it's your life and you can do whatever you want as long as no third party rights or injuries you breach laws, but when you post on a social network, things can complicate.
This disclosure and public access, you can allow your future employer to decide to hire or not, regardless of your ability for the job.
It can also affect your work continuity if your employer you and you spy public notes with criticism of his business conduct, treatment of your superiors or co-workers, etc, etc.
We are warned of the negative consequences that your history in social networks can cause you.
Obviously we not endorse the behaviors of which we warn, but as labor lawyers we met daily with inquiries by redundancies resulting from publications in social networks or persons despite attend and pass several stages in the recruitment, They are never hired.
It is important to protect and take necessary measures to ensure that, in networks can, only your friends see what you post and if you have “friends” coworkers, be certain that none of them share the content of your information with bosses or fellow infidels their peers.