the bonus payment date was modified
Through Law 27.073, It was amended on art. 122 of the Law of Labor Contract, which it provides that payment of the second installment of the bonus (legally called supplementary annual salary and abbreviated SAC), It must be made on 18 December each year. El S.A.C. It is calculated on the 50% (half) the best monthly salary of each semester. The first half expires at the end of June and the second half at the end of December each year. In consequence, later than 18 December 2016, employers must pay workers the second installment of the bonus by an amount equivalent to half the highest monthly remuneration of the assets received from July to December 2016. Whenever December the assets upon payment of SAC. not going to be liquidated (not become indispensable yet), the employer must estimate and pay compensation December, el S.A.C. considering the same. If at the time of perceiving the December salary, in the case of mensualizados, until the day 7 January 2017 (as the fourth business day), it to be verified that the 50% the same is higher than estimated by the employer, you must make an adjustment to be paid together with the December salary 2016. In the case of workers who receive their salaries fortnightly, as payment of the second half of December 2016 due within the first 3 (three) January business days 2017 (ie 6 January 2017) and whether it prevents both fortnights December may be the best of the semester, the employer must estimate and pay compensation December, el S.A.C. considering the same. Once paid both fortnights, if payment of S.A.C. It was lower than corresponding, with the second half of December, you must reset the amount paid for bonus.