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the bonus payment date was modified

Through Law 27.073, It was amended on art. 122 of the Law of Labor Contract, which it provides that payment of the second installment of the bonus (legally called supplementary annual salary and abbreviated SAC), It must be made on 18 December each year. El S.A.C. It is calculated on the 50% (half) the best monthly salary of each semester. The first half expires at the end of June and the second half at the end of December each year. In consequence, later than 18 December 2016, employers must pay workers the second installment of the bonus by an amount equivalent to half the highest monthly remuneration of the assets received from July to December 2016. Whenever December the assets upon payment of SAC. not going to be liquidated (not become indispensable yet), the employer must estimate and pay compensation December, el S.A.C. considering the same. If at the time of perceiving the December salary, in the case of mensualizados, until the day 7 January 2017 (as the fourth business day), it to be verified that the 50% the same is higher than estimated by the employer, you must make an adjustment to be paid together with the December salary 2016. In the case of workers who receive their salaries fortnightly, as payment of the second half of December 2016 due within the first 3 (three) January business days 2017 (ie 6 January 2017) and whether it prevents both fortnights December may be the best of the semester, the employer must estimate and pay compensation December, el S.A.C. considering the same. Once paid both fortnights, if payment of S.A.C. It was lower than corresponding, with the second half of December, you must reset the amount paid for bonus.



nota jap

It is very common in these times that we are all users of one or several social networks.
It is also common information of any person is sought in the nets, we all do and so do those who select and hire workers.
Many employers investigate and spy on their future and current employees by that means.
Your footprints in networks, undoubtedly define your behavior, pleasures, political positioning, social, union, your sexual identity, your religious affiliation, your household, of friends, musical tastes, etc, etc, etc.
All this is private, it's your life and you can do whatever you want as long as no third party rights or injuries you breach laws, but when you post on a social network, things can complicate.
This disclosure and public access, you can allow your future employer to decide to hire or not, regardless of your ability for the job.
It can also affect your work continuity if your employer you and you spy public notes with criticism of his business conduct, treatment of your superiors or co-workers, etc, etc.
We are warned of the negative consequences that your history in social networks can cause you.
Obviously we not endorse the behaviors of which we warn, but as labor lawyers we met daily with inquiries by redundancies resulting from publications in social networks or persons despite attend and pass several stages in the recruitment, They are never hired.
It is important to protect and take necessary measures to ensure that, in networks can, only your friends see what you post and if you have “friends” coworkers, be certain that none of them share the content of your information with bosses or fellow infidels their peers.




What rights does the working mother?
Motherhood has legal protection and women should know what rights to exercise properly.
Then we give you a guide for you to know.
How long maternity leave?
The license extends within 90 calendar days.
At first, the law states that work is prohibited pregnant women 45 days before delivery and up 45 days after the same.
Likewise, the worker can choose to work up 30 days before the due date established by your doctor, and add the 60 remaining days after birth.
What if the baby is born before?
If the birth occurs before the date set by the doctor, add the remaining days the period would not have enjoyed, ie in all cases and regardless of the date of birth, to be counted from the beginning to the end of the license, 90 calendar days.
Do I have any special right in relation to my job stability?
In fact, the worker, It has job security until your baby is 7 and a half months. During that time it can be fired, but the employer must add to his severance pay equivalent to a (1) year salary, es decir 12 monthly salaries.
Should I notify my employer the birth of my son?
It is advisable that when women can, notification of the date of birth and / or refer the employer copy of birth certificate.
What have other rights after giving birth?
Every working mother infant, You are entitled during working hours to have two (2) average daily breaks (1/2) each time to breastfeed her child for a (1) year, unless by express medical indication should breastfeed her child for a superior period. In many cases, it is recognized that the mother with two breaks so as to enter your work (1) or one hour after graduating (1) hour before, or enter media (1/2) and half an hour before graduating (1/2) hour later. All this can be done in agreement with the employer. these breaks, are payments and can not be offset by other breaks have working by contract or collective bargaining agreement, such as for snack.
What should I do at the end of the license?
Simply presented to resume work on the usual days and times.
Do I have other alternatives?
And. Those working mothers who are unwilling or unable to leave your baby so small, They can choose to enter the state of exceedance.
What does the state of exceedance?
Working women, that is mother and continue living in the country, can:
a) Continue their work in the company, in the same condition as it had been doing, as we saw earlier.
b) Terminate his employment contract, receiving compensation for length of service is assigned by this subsection, or the greatest benefits arising from professional statutes or collective labor agreements.
In that case, compensation shall be equal to twenty percent (25%) Compensation working, calculated based on the average fixed in Article 245 for each year of service, which may not exceed a living wage per year of service or fraction greater than three (3) meses.
c) Be on leave for a period not less than three (3) not more than six months (6) meses.
The leave of absence is voluntarily assumes the working woman who lets you return to the work he performed in the company at the time of delivery at the expiration of the leave.
It is important to note that if working women, on leave being found formalized new employment contract with another private employer shall be full of the power of reintegrating.
To welcome me to the state of exceedance, I have to meet any requirements?
And. You must have at least one (1) year of seniority.
What if my maternity leave expires and not notify my employer to request entering state exceedance?
If you want to enter the working state exceedance, irrefutably you must notify your employer of that fact, clearly indicating what time will (from 3 a 6 meses). If it does not it is returned to his work, understands that the law has chosen to terminate the contract perceiving the 25% what would correspond to severance pay.
Does the period of leave is counted as time worked?
No. It is not counted as working time and adds to the old.
What payment during the period of leave?
During this period no work obligations before the parties, es decir, the worker does not attend work and the employer does not pay the salary.
It would be comparable to a leave without pay.
What can happen to my job to re-enter the state of exceedance?
When a worker who enjoyed the status of exceedance is returned to duty, the employer, can:
a) Give tasks in the same category as had at the onset of the license.
b) Place it in office or employment higher or lower than indicated, in agreement with the working woman.
If the worker does not accept the modification of working conditions, It shall be indemnified as if it were unjustified dismissal, unless the employer prove the impossibility of reinstating, in which case compensation shall be limited to 25% of that corresponding claiming unfair dismissal.


nota gam

En este artículo nos interesa WARN una situación particular, que puede enfrentar un trabajador, DISMISSAL WITH CAUSE.
Con cierta normalidad los empleadores no expresan causas a fin de despedir a un empleado o, simplemente refieren a la reestructuración de la empresa, debiendo entonces abonar la indemnización por el despido dispuesto.
Por otro lado y, este es el punto clave, puede que el empleador invoque una CAUSAL a fin de justificar el despido y de este modo, quedar eximido del pago de las sumas dinerarias en concepto de indemnización.
La causa del despido se corresponde con la inobservancia de las obligaciones que se encuentran a cargo de cada parte durante la vigencia de la relación labor, la cual debe ser una falta GRAVE que se deriva en JUST CAUSE de despido.
However. La causal ESGRIMIDA por el empleador, deberá ser Notified in writing, la misma deberá cumplir los requisitos que la Ley de Contrato de Trabajo establece en sus artículos 242 Y 243 respectivamente, sencillamente, debe BE A CLEAR EXPRESSION OF REASONS que permiten romper el contrato de trabajo.
Si esos requisitos no son adecuadamente satisfechos, THE DISMISSAL no podrá ser considerado por JUST CAUSE, y será considerado INCAUSADO, teniendo pleno derecho el trabajador de perseguir ante un Juez el pago de las INDEMNIZACIONES derivadas de la ruptura del contrato, es decir del despido.
THE DISMISSAL, entonces, es la mayor sanción que dispone el empleador y la Ley de Contrato de Trabajo, a fin proteger los trabajadores de medidas arbitrarias, impone al empleador la obligación de indicar en la comunicación THE CAUSE OF DISMISSAL, la cual deberá luego ser merituada por un JUEZ.
OJO, es común, en la práctica laboral observar manifestaciones tales como: “THE FACTS YOU HAVE COMMITTED”,”YOUR ATTITUDE HOMEWORK”, “LACK OF RESPECT”, ETC, ETC, and ETC, que no cumplen los requisitos indicados.
Estos términos utilizados a título de ejemplo, aun cuando en ciertas ocasiones son manifestaciones completamente FALSAS, resultan inútiles a la luz de las protecciones que establece la Ley de Contrato de Trabajo en los artículos mencionados y, deberá el trabajador iniciar un reclamo ante la Justicia, a fin de rechazar el despido, quedando a cargo del empleador probar las causas invocadas para romper el contrato, y por el contrario, para el caso que no lo hiciere, el empleador se vera obligado a abonar las indemnizaciones por el despido.
Si fuiste despedido de este modo y te encontras dentro de los dos años de plazo, got right to maneuver check dismissal.



Una de las situaciones que mas consultas laborales genera se da cuando un trabajador llega a su puesto de trabajo y le informan verbalmente que esta despedido o simplemente le es impedido el ingreso al establecimiento por el personal de seguridad.
Tal circunstancia genera una gran incertidumbre en el trabajador; ¿Son válidas las manifestaciones verbales? ¿Debo esperar el telegrama o enviar uno yo?
NO RENUNCIES! Es muy usual que en estos casos se le pida al trabajador que renuncie bajo ciertas promesas, como compromisos de pago, de reincorporación etc.
Sin perjuicio de ello, podemos señalar que el despido, para surtir efecto alguno debe ser notificado de forma fehaciente, whereby, salvo excepciones, usted debe considerar que la relación laboral se encuentra vigente hasta tanto no reciba el telegrama o carta documento de despido.
Entonces, lo primero que debe hacer es consultar con un abogado laboralista, quien seguramente procederá a intimar fehacientemente (a través de un telegrama laboral gratuito) a su empleador a que aclare su situación laboral, quedando usted de tal manera, cubierto ante cualquier intento de la empresa de considerarlo maliciosamente incurso en el abandono de trabajo.
IMPORTANTE. En dicha situación su abogado analizará si su relación laboral se encuentra correctamente registrada (fecha de ingreso, categoría, jornada laboral, horas extras, etc), procediendo a exigir en el mismo telegrama la corrección de las irregularidades que detecte, así como el pago de las sumas que se devenguen de las mismas y de las diferencias salariales correspondientes.
Dichas irregularidades dan lugar a multas monetarias en su favor, las cuales sólo podrán ser exigidas si usted envía su telegrama antes de que le llegue el de la empresa despidiéndolo.
Por ello, remarcamos, ES CRUCIAL QUE USTED ACUDA A SU ABOGADO LABORALISTA DE CONFIANZA INMEDIATAMENTE, o apenas le sea posible luego de sucedida la negativa de tareas.




SI tu empleador real te contrata de forma TERCERIZADA a través de una agencia de trabajo, podés exigir la regularización de dicha situación.
SI tu empleador te contrata EN NEGRO podés exigir tu regularización así como el pago de las diferencias salariales con respecto a la remuneración de convenio.
SI tu empleador te registra con una FECHA DE INGRESO errónea, ello afecta distintos rubros salariales como la antigüedad, cuya corrección podés exigir!.
SI tu empleador te abona parte de tu SALARIO EN NEGRO, ello disminuye tu salario básico del cual se desprenden el resto de los rubros salariales, cuya corrección podés exigir!.




According to the Labor Contract Law, the first 3 months of any employment relationship are TESTING, which means that your employer can terminate the contract without indemnification obligations.
HOWEVER. some employers, maliciously, They fire their dependents as if they were on probation but not taxed.
Know that if your employer has you completely or partially in black, the law deemed to have waived the trial period, whereby, if saying goodbye, must request payment the total compensation, regardless of the length of time you worked! “if goodbye before 90 days”
EXAMPLE! This usually happens in companies (como call centers) they have in their black entrants in the training period, registering the worker at a later date, false course.
You know that an employer can not hire 2 Sometimes the same worker on probation? If it does, in the second employment contract there will be no trial period.
Know that although you are in trial period (so is your second day of work), you have the same rights as an effective worker?
EXAMPLE, you have a right to social work, to make you retirement contributions, if you get sick you have the right to medical leave, if you related accidents at work report it to the ART hired by your employer and others, es decir, the trial period does not restrict in any way your rights as a worker registered.

Report Dr. Jorge Pastorini on the granting of national jurisdiction to SITRAIC



La Ley de Contrato de Trabajo vigente en Argentina persigue la contratación fraudulenta sancionando bajo su aplicación la nulidad de los mismos.
FRAUDE significa engaño, y en este caso el engaño se produce en el ámbito laboral tratando de “disfrazar” un CONTRATO DE TRABAJO con un ropaje que excluye al empleador de las cargas que puede ocasionarle el régimen de la Ley de Contrato de Trabajo, sobre todo en caso de que resultaras despedido, no teniendo derecho a indemnización como tampoco gozarías de los derechos de vacaciones, licencias, o de los beneficios de la seguridad social.
Sin embargo, NO TE DEJES ENGAÑAR! La ley prevee herramientas que te protejen de estas situaciones.
Hay que tener en cuenta que lo importante es la efectiva prestación de los servicios a las órdenes del empleador, es decir la verdadera relación laboral (sea cantidad de horas, tareas asignadas, etc) con prescindencia de lo que se consigne en el acuerdo o la forma que adopte dicha relación, es decir sin importar lo que tu empleador haya registrado.
Seguidamente mostramos algunas de los frecuentes engaños laborales.

Contratar un profesional en calidad de monotributistas y con contrato civil de locación de servicios profesionales a cambio de honorarios, cuando en realidad la prestación es continua y bajo la dirección y observancia del empleador, cumpliendo horarios.
Socio empleado, cooperativa de trabajo, interposición de empleado empleador.

Un trabajador tiene varios contratos temporales seguidos. En realidad se trata de un contrato típico, pero el empleador busca evitar indemnización por despido.
Trabajo en negro.
Cambio de fecha de ingreso, etc.

Sanción Legal prevista para estas situaciones:
La Ley de Contrato de Trabajo determina la nulidad de todo contrato en que las partes hayan procedido con simulación o fraude a la ley laboral, quedando dicha relación regida por la mencionada ley.

Finalmente, lo que va a tenerse en cuenta en una controversia, es la real situación que se produce en los hechos, es decir, la realidad prevalece sobre la apariencia, lo que se conoce como PRINCIPIO DE PRIMACIA DE LA REALIDAD.